Department Of Economics
Department of Economics came into existence in 1978 as a Degree department. At present department has
4 teaching faculties with one permanent and 3 guest faculties. Department is dealing with different core
papers in Economics discipline like Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Development economics,
Public economics, International economics, Environmental economics, Indian economy, Money and Financial
markets,Statistics,Econometrics and Business economics paper as the Elective paper. The complementary
papers include History and Political science. One compulsory mini project and External viva voce is there in
final semester. Department also gives an opportunity to learn students from other discipline to study ‘Fundamentals of Economics’ paper as their Open course. Department is planning conduct add on course on ‘Financial market awareness’ as offline /online in future.

Priyadarshini J
HEAD OF DEPARTMENT & assistant professor

Rajani N
Guest Lecturer

Suma M
Guest Lecturer

